Thursday, November 29, 2007

A London Adventure: Response

The essay is about appreciating what one sees during everyday life. The simple beauty of everyday goings on can be easily lost in the sole minded search for one's own goal. Finding her goal simply marked the end of her wandering and observing. It allowed for her story to begin and end but. She needed a goal in order to justify her journey through the city. The journey is described by the people around her and her attempts to understand what they were feeling. She seemed to focus on other people and their journeys in life. The dwarf woman struck me in the essay. By focusing only on her normal sized feet the narrator seems to forget that the dwarf is deformed. After the dwarf’s normal feet are out of focus the reality of her state comes back into the spotlight: “the ecstasy faded, knowledge returned, the old peevishness, the apology came back,”( 4). The language shifts from when we first meet the dwarf to after we see her feet and then back again. She is first described as having an “apologetic expression”. Her feet were then described as “aristocratic” and that “she looked soothed and satisfied”. This change is interesting, and is a positive message about searching for the beauty in all things.

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