Thursday, November 29, 2007

Street Haunting: A London Adventure

The essay is about how we pass individuals without knowing them or there background, yet we paint them in a positive light. We don't know them personally, but we tell ourselves that there living a positive life in order for us to feel better. We try to block out all the negative aspects of that person and believe that there living positively. We do not wish to look at that person's past since the way they present themselves is better. We do this everyday when were walking on the street and strangers walk past us. We are only recognizing that person as we see them currently, we don't recognize that person's past.
The tone of the piece seems to gets gradually angrier. The voice is very angry and passionate. She sets out to describe her feelings and thoughts without knowing where she'll end up. She pours out her emotions and her mood at this point in her life into this essay. Her mood and voice carries this essay. It feels that a certain depression lingers on in her and that she feels the need to describe her feelings through her essays.

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